Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My Self Critique

Joseph Coleman

1. Elysium

2. The main idea that I started with the group project was to have an elderly lady lie in her bed as the sun sets. The lady was to look sickly, ill, and unhappy. As the lady nods off to sleep, the viewer sees her dream in which she is in her youth walking through a blossoming field on a bright, sunny day. As the viewer returns to reality, he or she was to be hit with the realization that the woman has died and the dream was her paradise.

3. The source of this idea came from the focus of the assignment by my Cinema teacher. We had to define the nature of an individual by use of light, so I immediately thought about the contrast of light to showcase the main subjects inner emotions.

4. I I wanted to audience to feel a sense of sadness throughout the film with a semblance of hope awaiting them at the end. Although the ending is not a completely happy one, at least the lady is no longer suffering.

5. Here is the synopsis of the story: Alone in her darkly room, a terminally ill woman (Leah) struggles with her sickness and ultimate death. A prisoner of her own body, she silently suffers from heartbreak and isolation. But to her surprise, peace finds her in the most unlikely place; her dreams.

6. The theme that I discovered after I finished the film was that heaven and hell find their way into the lives of individuals. The lady’s hell was suffering alone in the world of the awakened but closing her eyes for the final time allowed her to ascend to a higher plane of existence; heaven.

7. I think the strengths of the film is the lighting and the angles by which the actors were film. Light played a major role in the progression of the film and a lot of effort went into making it as atmospheric as possible. Although the story is kind of cheesy, the execution of it by the actors really sold it, in my opinion.

8. My problem area is most likely the lighting. In a lot of cases, if not all, the lighting can make or break the film. I also need to work on thinking more efficiently as I juggle multiple tasks, because sometimes I get overly ambitious about a single thing and this could pose a problem later. As for lighting, this can be solved by researching my settings more and experimenting with lighting the room days before filming. sketching out how I want lighting to look can also prove beneficial.




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