Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Project 3 Pre-Production

Int. Bedroom - Day

Jake raises out of bed happily, and makes his way to the kitchen for breakfast.

Cut To

Int. Kitchen

Pete sits depressingly at his glass of juice.


Ah, what a beautiful day. Don’t you agree?

Pete (depressed)

Yeah, whatever....

Jake (teasingly)

Aww... Still heartbroken over your girl?


You’re enjoying this aren’t you?


Noooo. I care. If I didn’t I would not have signed you up for gaytango.com.




I figured you’ll have better luck with a little male bonding. I even got you a date.


You mother--


Cut To

Jake and Pete answer the door.

The door opens to unveil a beautiful, young lady.

Pete and Jake are both stunned by the beauty of the lady.


Hello. I’m Sarah.

Jake and Pete

Hi, Sarah


I didn’t disturb you guys did, I?

Jake pushes Pete


No, you didnt. (seductively) How may I be help you?


Well, I just moved into town, and I wanted to know my neighbors. We’re having a housewarming party tonight, so maybe you guys can stop by if you’re not busy.


Sure, we’ll be there.


Sweet, well see you guys later.

Jake and Pete wave goodbye, and closes door.

Cut To

Close Up of Pete


Wow, she was gorgeous.


Gorgeous is an understatement.


I have to get to know her.


Wait, you don’t think you’re gonna try to get with her?


Why not?


Dude, I saw her first. She’s mine.


I didn’t see your name on her.


Hey, you had your chance but you screwed that up. Let me show you how a pro gets a woman. Besides, she wouldn’t give you the time of day. She wants a man with…sophistication.


Are you serious? You really think that?


I know this. I am willing to bet on it.

Jake thinks for a moment.


How about we make a wager?


What, no.


Come on! I thought you had cojones.


Hey, I have big cojones.


Nah, I think I saw them on ebay along with your pride.


What’s the bet?


Whoever wins “delicious neighbor chick” don’t have to pay rent for the next two months.


And no tricks from you.


No, tricks.



Cut to

Close up

Pete (thinking)

But that doesn’t mean I can’t trick you.

A devious smile stretches across Pete’s face.

Cuts To

Pete makes his way towards the kitchen and opens the refrigerator.


I hope you like your drink lax flavored. (laughs)

Pete proceeds to mix in laxatives into Jake’ s juice.

Cut To

Jake walks into the kitchen to finish off his favorite beverage. Quenching his thirst, Jake begins to walk towards the porch, until his stomach starts to rumble. Jake bends over in pain and rushes to the bathroom.

Cut To

Jake runs past a smiling Pete into the bathroom.

Cut To

Interior Bathroom

As Jake makes his way towards the toilet, he is devastated to find that it has been wrapped in seran wrap.

Cut To

Close Up – Jake


Jake opens the door to find a smiling Pete standing before him.


Its gonna be hard to win a girl with poop on your hands. (laughs)


Well played, sir. But you just called down the thunder. It’s on.

Cut To

Jake sneaks into Pete’s room, and finds his proactive. Not to be outdone, Jake replaces the contents of the bottle with icy hot.

Cut To

Pete prepares to clean his face for the nearing party. He applies the lotion to his face and lies down.

Cut to

Pete closes his eyes momentarily, then opens them in horror.

Cut To

Jake sits on the couch reading a magazine.



Jake smiles at the sounds of Pete’s pain.

Now upset that Jake has tarnish his boyish good looks, Pete devises another devious scheme to take down Jake.

Cut To

Interior - Jake's room

Pete makes haste to put together his net big scheme. But unknown to him, he is being watched by his rival. Jake makes his presence known.


Hey, buddy. Whatcha doing there.


Oh, I just misplaced something and was looking for it.


What is it that you misplaced? Surely I can find it since it is in my room.


Ah, nothing important. It'll come up.

Pete makes his way out of Jake's room in dissappointment. Jake lays his arms around Pete's shoulders.


You know, I love you man. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have you around.

Pete (suspiciously)

Thanks, bro. I appreciate.

Pete decides to call his plan a failure and decides to get ready for the party, while keeping out for Jake.

Cut To

Pete enters the bathroom. He inspects the area for any pranks that Jake may have waiting for him. Seeing that the coast is clear, he proceeds to brush his teeth. Pete grabs his mouthwash and takes a swallow.

Cut To

Close Up

Pete starts to gag upon instinct. He sniffs his bottle of mouthwash and begins to shiver at the thought of what has transpired.

Cut To (flashback)

During Jake's bowel malfunction, he took it upon himself to leave a golden surprise in his roommate's listerine.

Cut To

Pete finds himself in blinded by anger. Impulsively, he attacks Jake.


What's your problem, man?


You peed in my mouthwash?!


Oh yeah. (laughs) I got you twice. HA!

Jake throws Pete to the floor and pins him.


Now I'm on my way to win my prize.


Oh, no you don't.

Jake and Pete find themselves at each other's throats. The fight eventually lands on the doorstep of their lovely neighbor, Sarah.

Cut To

Interior - Sarah's door way

Sarah opens her door to find the two friends fighting.


What's going on here.


Hey, Sarah. I was wondering if you would like to go out for ice cream sometimes.


You don't him, he drinks pee. How about you and I hook up?

Sarah looks at Jake and Pete with a baffled look on her face. From behind the door comes another young lady.


What's going on here, babe? Who are these guys?

Jake (thinking)



Hello, who's your friend Sarah?


Oh this is Caitlin, my girlfriend.


Cool. There you can have her. Now lemme hook up with Sarah.


No way, man. I'm not dating second string.


Uh-- guys. I'm already taken.


What, by who?


By me.

Jake and Pete are stunned by what the have heard.

Cut To

Door slams in the prankters' face.

The End.







Test Footage

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Superstar Review

There is something to be said about Todd Hayne's ability to take such a serious subject matter and convey through something that is so light-hearted. The film could have easily been as cheesy as those Old-Navy commercials, but instead this was a really well done film that is a testament to film making. The cinematography is the film's strongest point, in my opinion. The use of the dolls and the voice actors really help to sell this movie for me. At some point, I honestly forgot that the story was being driven by inanimate objects. Despite the controversy surrounding Superstar, I think it is one of the more creative films I have watched.

People as Props Pitch

My idea for a movie was to take the concept put forth by mediums such as graphic novels and story time, and adapt a live action version of it. The concept that I speak of is the use of still images to convey action and a story. What I wanted to do was take my on screen subject (live actors) and film them in a still pose that would convey an emotion and/or action dictated by the story. Although, the subjects themselves would be still, the environment would all be in motion.

The basic idea for a story that I have is two roommates find themselves competing for the affections of their neighbor. One tries to outwit the other as they both try to win her over.


Here is an example of what I am aiming towards, instead of mannequins I want real people.


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Meshes in the Afternoon Review

Maya Deren’s Meshes in the Afternoon (1943) was an interesting film to watch. The story is about a woman who finds herself entangled in an endless cycle of reoccurring events from different perspectives. . A silent film, the story is told through the actions of Deren .

Maya Deren looks to have allowed open interpretation for the film. One of which is that this was a woman who is unknowingly following death to her final destination. In pursuit of the mysterious figure, she comes across clues that point to the one violent event that cause her ultimate demise.

This film shows, in my opinion, the ingenuity that Deren had in making this film an entrancing surrealist journey. The simplicity of the camera work and practical effects at the time proved extremely effective in making the atmosphere eerie and intense throughout. It is truly inspiring and should be looked at by all future film makers.