Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Script Revisions Dun Dun DUN!!!

The Proposition

Written by Joseph Coleman

In man’s pursuit of happiness does he become blind.

Fade in

Int. Dark Void - Young, well dressed man [Sax] playing the saxophone with grace and energy.

Cut To

Int. Hospital Room

(door slams shut)

Extreme Close up

Sax opens eyes


How are you today?


Could be better without the asthma [laughs]. What irony, huh?


Well, it’s good you’re making the best of it. I read the review of your performance at the Playhouse. I’m proud of you. And I’m sure your parents would have been too.


I appreciate that, Pam. Things are finally starting to look up. But my asthma, though. I have been tired a lot lately. This last attack took a lot of energy out of me.

The doctor looks down with a worried expression.




There is something I need to tell you, James. Your... The results to your lung tests came back and--


(voice trembling)

And what Pam?


We found that you don’t have asthma,but some form of Lymphangioleiomyomatosis.





It’s a very rare lung disease, and there is no known cure.


And you’re just now finding this out?!


The symptoms of the disease mimic that of asthma. That’s why its so hard to catch at an early stage. The fact that you have even contracted this disease has turned the medical world on its head.


What are you telling me?


That you are the first male to have ever been affected by LAM, some mutated form of it.


How bad is it, Pam?


You have sustained a significant amount of damage to your lungs. Your only viable option may be to get a transplant.

Sax slumps over in disbelief, trembling at what he has learned.


Now, we can put you on the donor list and --

Sax raises from his seat in anger.


And what then?! In the mean time, I just waste away like mom? This is the best you can do?!


Listen to me, I’m speaking as your friend now. It’s not fair, I know. But this is a fight you cannot walk away from. It is nothing short of a miracle that you are even able to play music in your condition. Whatever it is that is driving you, you can’t lose it.

Sax staggers back.


It wasn’t supposed to be like this. Not like this. I was just a little tired.


I’m sorry, James. I’ll do whatever I can to get you on that list. Just have faith.


That’s all have right now.

Trying desperately to keep her composure, the doctor proceeds leave the room.

Cut To

Close Up

Sax hangs his head low in depression.

Fades to black

(Two Months Later)

Ext. Sax’s Neighborhood - Day

A noticeably weaker, but more resolved Sax makes his way back to his home.

Passing Lady

Hey, Sax! Hows it goin’?


Keeping a pep in my step [laughs].

Passing Lady

Hardly been seeing you around as of late. The neighborhood’s been worried about you.


Yeah, I’ve been keeping to myself ever since I found out I was sick.

Passing Lady

I heard about that. I’m sorry that happened to you. Are you still able to play the saxophone in your condition?


Not as well as I want, but that’s ok. I’m still breathing, well barely [laughs].

Passing Lady

I see you still have your sense of humor.


Whatever helps me through the day. But I have to get goin. Tell your girl I said hello.

Passing Lady

Ok, will do!

Cut To

Int. Hallway of Sax’s Home

Sax enters through the door way and makes his way towards the kitchen.


Let’s see, what is on the menu today?

Cut To

Close Up - Door

A white letter falls from the mail slot at the bottom of the door.

Cut To

Sax sees the letter as it falls to to the floor.

Cut To

Close up

Sax looks through the blinds of his door to catch the individual who put the mail in his door slot but sees no one.

Cut to

Sax stares with curiosity at the note and begins to open it.

Dr. Bloom

(voice over)

Dear Mr. Saxton, It is with great pleasure that I inform you of a special program that you have been elected to take part in. I, along with a team of the world’s top surgeons, have come together to offer alternative means to those who are in dire need of transplant surgery. If you so choose to take part in our program, I would be more than happy to speak with you. Dr. Bloom.

Cut To

Close Up - Sax in contemplation

Cross Fade

Ext. Bloom’s office

Sax stares at the entrance as he confirms his decision to visit Dr. Bloom. He walks through the door.

Cross Fade

Sax sits in waiting room to see Dr. Bloom


Dr. Bloom will see you now.



Sax knocks on Dr. Bloom’s door.

Dr. Bloom

Come in.

Sax enters the office

Dr. Bloom

It is a pleasure to meet you Mr. Saxton. Take a seat.

Sax sits before the doctor.

Dr. Bloom

Mr. James Saxton, is it?



Dr. Bloom

So, Mr. Saxton, to what do I owe the nature of your visit?

Sax places the letter he received onto Dr. Bloom’s desk.


I came to ask about this program that I am eligible for?

Dr. Bloom

You know, I was a father once. I had a daughter named. Her name was Sarah. She had just graduated college at the top of her class. Her dream was to travel the world. She reveled in the thought that there was more to life beyond the horizon. Unfortunately, she fell ill. The doctors had informed me that her heart was failing and she was in need of a transplant. Immediately, she was put on the donor’s list. And that is where she stayed until her death three years later. While my daughter was dying, her physicians would stare at her like she was less than human. All they saw was the down payment on their brand new Convertible. They would just pump her full of meds and send her home. Let me tell you, not from the pits of hell is there a more painful tragedy than watching your child wither away before you.

Sax looks on in sorrow as he is reminded of his mother’s death.

Dr. Bloom

You know what this feels like?


Yes, I do. I lost my mother to heart disease as well,

Dr. Bloom

Mr. Saxton, I was a broken man when I lost my daughter. But I soon found purpose again. I decided to dedicate my life to helping those who can not be helped. No parent deserves to bury their child nor does a child deserved to grow up without knowing a mother’s love.

And this leads us back to why you and I have met. I run a private program that seeks to help those on the organ donor transplant list receive said organs that they would otherwise die waiting for.


Wait, how is that possible? The hospital isn’t going to let you perform surgeries at your discretion.

Dr. Bloom

Who said I worked in the hospital?

Sax becomes alarmed


Are you not a licensed doctor?

Dr. Bloom

I am a doctor of sorts.


This doesn’t feel right. I don’t want any part of this.

Dr. Bloom

How long do you think the hospital is going to keep you alive before they deem you as unprofitable.

No longer comfortable with Dr. Bloom, Sax rushes out of the doctor’s office.

Dr. Bloom

I am simply a man who wants to help you. Mr. Saxton,


No! Stay away from me!

Cut to

Ext. Entrance to Dr. Bloom’s office building.

Sax storms out of the building in a panic, and turns the corner. He begins to cough as he tries to catch his wind.

Fades to black

Fade in

Int. Sax room

Close up of Sax sleeping.

(Phone rings)

Cut To

Sax answers phone.







Dr. Stacey?


Hello, James.


What’s up Pam? Call to deliver me some good news?


James, I have been informed that we have found a possible match for you, but --



Yes! Oh my god, Pam. You don’t understand how much I hoped for this. I can get my life back.


James, listen to me. You have been declared ineligible for the transplant.

Sax is stunned by what he has heard.


James? James? Are you there? Speak to me.



But all those tests I took. You told me personally that everything was going as planned.


The board reviewed your case and found that you were not of sound condition for any surgery.



Not of sound condition?! I’m fucking dying here. I had... Everything riding on the operation. What happened to doing whatever you can?


I’m sor--


No! Fuck sorry! Sorry is not going to give me my life back. The only thing that kept me going was the hope that you had given me. And now I don’t even have that anymore. What good has ever come of my life? Nothing. It’s just not fair, to have everything that you cherish stripped away from you. And all people can say is that they’re sorry and there’s nothing they can do. Back to your greedy lives you go while we’re damned to suffer.

Sax drops the phone as he grabs his chest in pain. All the pent up anguish that Sax had suppressed came flooding back ten fold.



My chest!

Sax staggers out of the kitchen and falls to his knees, as he tries to catch his breath.

Cut To

Sax sits himself up.

Close up

Sax perches a cold, hollow gaze towards the lit furnace.

Dr. Bloom


How long do you think the hospital is going to keep you alive before they deem you as unprofitable.

Cut To

Int. Hall of Doctor Bloom’s Facility - Dark

Sax bursts into Dr. Bloom’s office

Cut To

Dr. Bloom reclines in chair


Dr. Bloom, are your services still available?

Dr. Bloom

My services are always available.


Good, because you’re hired. I want that transplant.

Cut To

Close Up - Doctor Bloom nods in acceptance.


How soon can you get me on the table?

Dr. Bloom

I’ll arrange everything as soon as we finish negotiations.


Of course, nothing’s free right?

Dr. Bloom

That is where you are wrong, Mr. Saxton. I desire nothing more from you than a simple thank you. But you must understand, I am a man who indulges only in the most premium quality of product. This is a philosophy that I want to instill in you. The availability of organs are ever declining, right? Wrong. Everyday, you walk among the world’s greatest untapped resource.

Cut To

Close Up - Sax’s contemplative expression.

Cut To - Dr. Bloom

Fresh organs, Mr. Saxton. Organs that are of much higher efficiency rate than what are taken from the dead. You want a quality life, Mr. Saxton? Then you need quality organs.

Fades to Black

Fades in

Int. Sax’s room - dark

Sax caresses his Saxophone

Doorbell Rings

Sax turns his attention to the door.

Cut to

Sax walks towards the door. He looks down to see the file of an individual lying at the foot of the door.

Cut to

Sax picks the file and begins to read it.

Cut To


Sax eyes the floor to see a handgun lying before him.

Cut To

Sax picks up the gun and stares at it intensely with knowledge of its purpose.

Cut To

Ext. Suburban Neighborhood

A man matching the profile found in the document delivered to Sax is seen getting into his car.

Cut To

Int. Car

Man proceeds to start car. From beneath the shadows behind the man comes a hand holding a gun. The tip of the barrel pushes into the back of the man’s head, freezing him in fear.



Cut To

Ext. Abandoned area - Night

Car driving to dense shadowed area.

Cut To

Int. Car


Stop the car.

Cut To

Man trembling in fear.



Sorry about this.




Cut to

Ext. Parked car

Sax pulls body out of car and spreads him out on the ground.

Cut To

Close up

Sax rips open the man’s shirt to expose his chest. Trembling and gagging at what has and will transpire, Sax takes a knife and slices through the man’s chest.

Fade to Black

Cut To

Int. Dr. Bloom’s Facility

Sax, gasping with every step, makes his way towards Dr. Bloom’s office with the cooler containing the organs in hand.

Cut To

Int. Dr. Bloom’s Office

Sax enters Dr. Bloom’s office.


Dr. Bloom. Dr. Bloom, I have the organs.

Silence rips through the office.


Dr. Bloom?

Sax soon becomes horrified at the revelation. The is no office, only remnants of a time long forgotten.


No. No. No! No! Bloom where are you! Speak to me!

Sax collapses on the floor after overexerting his body.



I just wanted to live. I just..wanted to live.

Cut To Black.

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