Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Lighting Maps N Storyboard


Living Room

Dr. Bloom's Office

Hospital Room
These are the proposed lighting set-ups for each main shot within the story, outside lighting and front door lighting of the characters house will be natural light, so the only tool used (depending on time of day when shot) will be a bounce card or a reflector to fill in the talents features.

Additional lighting tools will be:
- extension cords for farther away outlets
- a snoot for concentrated light
- bounce card / reflector
- foam-core to create a sliver of light - OR - barnyard doors and black tinfoil for spill

Conditional to shot:
Because of the requirement for fill light, the lighting schemes above have the proposed spot to place a fill (a weak setting to keep features visible) however, the scene's dramatic features may change the need for any kind of fill light - and that piece of the lighting map is subject to revision.

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